The Polar Bear's Club is one of the world's most unique and tranquil hideaways. Our health spa offers the traditional method of hot-cold bath therapy, as used by many cultures, including the local residents of Piedmont in the Laurentians. Health seekers can re-discover the ancient secrets of relaxation by soaking their tired bodies in our soothing baths.
A frozen bath is better then it sounds!
Throw yourself into a frozen river? ... I don't think so! But Scandinavians have been using this technique for years, and it has become an identifying feature of their lifestyles. Quebecers are catching on to this age old technique, and they are following the Scandinavian example with vigour and enthusiasm.
How it works
The recuperative and healing properties of hot-cold baths (hydrotherapy) are based on mechanical and thermal effects. It exploits the body's reaction to hot and cold stimuli. The nerves carry impulses felt at the skin deeper into the body, where they help stimulate the immune system, influence the production of stress hormones (endorphins), invigorate digestion and encourage blood flow.
Generally, heat quiets and soothes the body, slowing down the activity of internal organs. Cold, in contrast, stimulates and invigorates, increasing internal activity. When you submerge yourself in a bath, you experience a kind of weightlessness. Your body is relieved from the constant pull of gravity.
Hot Baths
· Your cardiovascular system will adapt itself to increasing temperatures;
· Your blood vessels widen as your heart rate increases, and your blood pressure decreases;
· This allows for a release of tension and aids in the relaxation of muscle tissue.
Cold Baths
· Your blood vessels constrict causing an increase in blood pressure. This gives off the sensation of being refreshed and aware.
· Your body will secrete endorphins in response to the shock of contrasting environmental conditions. The release of endorphins leads to feelings of euphoria, and a feeling of well-being.
- This will help detoxify your skin through the action of opening (heat) and closing (cold) the skin's pores.
Alternating between Hot and Cold
The technique could not be simpler: alternate heat and cold with rest periods, ideally in the order stated bellow:
1. Sauna. Allow yourself a reasonable amount of time: the sauna is a place for relieving stress and tension - unhurriedly. Unless you are accustomed to more, 15 minutes is sufficient.
2. Frozen river. Intimidating but ultimately refreshing! Throw yourself in without hesitation, and you only need a few seconds.
3. Rest period of 10 minutes minimum: this is a must.
4. Outdoor hot tub. Soak your body and let the water jets massage your muscles. The fresh mountain air is awakening.
5. Frozen river. Oh yes you can!
6. Rest period of 10 minutes minimum.
7. Steam bath or Sauna. Again, no more than 15 minutes.
8. Frozen river. By now you're an expert.
9. Rest period of 10 minutes minimum.
Repeat this cycle until you feel tired. First timers may want to wait longer.
Baths should not be taken by persons with
- cardiac, circulatory and pulmonary disorders;
- active tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases,
- acute mental disorder,
- cerebrovascular injuries,
- pregnancy,
- circulatory problems,
- drug-addiction,
- AIDS or acute cancer.
If you are in doubt, please consult your doctor.